Yts The Matrix Watch Stream
- Directed by Lana Wachowski
- description A programmer is brought back to reason and reality when learning he was living in a program created by gigantic machines which make human birth artificial. In order to set humanity free, Neo will have to face many enemies by using technologies and self-trust
- 1601704 Vote
- 1999
- creators Lilly Wachowski
- duration 2 h, 16 Minute
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After I saw this I was 9 I couldn't believe how good it was even for my age it had me hooked, After this movie came out I was to little to understand it so when the 2nd one came out not a lot of ppl attended the movie release but the 2nd is still my favorite of all time. The Matrix Reloaded I'm so lucky I grew up watching this.
Agent smith a hacker. I would love a Morpheus origin story. Maatriks Watch stream online. I smell gender swapping of characters. Amazing. Maatriks Watch streaming. Maatriks watch streaming. Maatriks Watch stream new. He was screaming because he was jizzing out man bullets for the last stand argggggggggggggggg. He's not wrong though. I literally cannot imagine The Matrix with Will Smith as Neo. It just would've looked wrong.
What. I loved Wild Wild West. Still do. Watched it yesterday. The Matrix is a system, Neo. There will never be a movie like the matrix. So much effort. Maatriks Watch streams. MORPHEUS DRINKIN A 40 IN A DEATH BASKET. The anagram for the us go to is she got out. One of the greatest stunts ever mode in cinema history at 90s. bullet dodge effect. i was studied 8th grade while watching this movie. When You So Mad at Solo VS Squad. Maatriks Watch stream of consciousness. Im a huge Matrix fan. Ive seen the Trilogy so many times and I always love it, but sometimes I wish Jada Pickett played Trinity instead of Anne Moss.
I was late and miss the opening scene when first saw tually made the experience 1000 times better obably producers playin it safe. Maatriks Watch stream new albums. This is not the entire scene. Maatriks Watch. Show me. Man, if i have that device, it would be a whole different training 🤤. Maatriks Watch stream.nbcolympics. Shot in the side of the head... bullet hole between the eyes. Back in the day when movies had a story and did not just raise more questions then answers. 3:03 and the Sci-fi/action movies history change forever.
0:29 looks like Goku's Ultra Instinct... (身勝手的極意). One of the greatest opening scenes EVAH. It's rare that films today have some underlying philosophical substance to it, and it's nice that the Matrix brought the question of "what is reality" to the table. I think a problem we have today is we never question our beliefs or our decisions. The Matrix brings that question of what is real and what isn't and how do you tell the difference to minds of the 15-30 age group that it appeals to. The acting is pretty good, the story is pretty good but the characters are a little too predictable. The FX are all over the place, with the bullet time FX being amazing and most of the CG of the "real world" looking like crap. The use of light and color is great, the Matrix always has a green tint flat look to everything, which hints at the fact that the world is artificial. A more recent film, Vanilla Sky, also tackles this "what is reality" issue and it does a fantastic job of this. However, it's message would probably be lost to most people in the 15-30 age group and the Matrix brings those same philosphical issues to the minds of people who are more simple minded. The Matrix is pretty close to being a great film, but it is only a mediocre film unforunately due to the fact that it is dated. It is great for it's time but 20 years from now it will seem like "a 90's movie" just like when we watch Teen Wolf or the A-Team. The characters are always wearing sun-glasses and black leather costumes with long black trench coats sporting the "hipper than thou" attitude. The techno and "rock" music found everywhere in the film is also something that traps this film in it's own time. Of course, most kids who have "reviewed" this movie fail to see this aspect because they are into all the trends that the Matrix embraces and they have no concept of recent history. I am somewhat of a fan of anime (Japanese Animation to the layperson) and I admired the Wachowski brothers for using certain styles of anime such as slow motion during action sequences, but in the end those are simply used for cheap visceral thrills. The film is all visceral and very little emotion is seen here other than "whoa" and the wisdom of Morpheus. I will definately see the sequel, The Matrix is better than most movies and I cant wait to see what philosphical subjects the Wachowski brothers will tackle next.